- Subsumption After Totality, conference paper given at the annual Historical Materialism conference, SOAS, University of London
- Metabolism and Capitalist Social Form, conference paper given at Contested & Erased Energy Knowledges: A Trans-Disciplinary Conference, University of Dundee & University of Edinburgh
Abstracción y Subsunción [‘Abstraction and Subsumption’], online talk at the Seminario de filosofía moderna y contemporánea, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
- Marx’s Capital, with Paul North, online talk hosted by The Philosopher
- Making forestscapes - recomposing sound and video for collective inquiry into forests as living cultural landscapes, workshop at EASST-4S 2024 in Amsterdam, with Jonathan Gray, Angela Y. T. Chan, Maud Borie & Liliana Bounegru
- Jean-Paul Sartre and Bolívar Echeverría in Dialogue, conference paper given at the UK Sartre Society annual conference, Maison Française Oxford
Capitalist Subsumption and the Production of Difference, conference paper given at the
Critical Emancipations conference, KU Leuven, Belgium
- The Eye of the Master: A Social History of AI, with Matteo Pasquinelli and Audrey Borowski, online talk hosted by The Philosopher as part of the ‘AI & the Digital’ series
- With Power Comes Responsibility: The Politics of Structural Injustice, public panel with Maeve McKeown and Ashok Kumar, Conway Hall (London), organised by The Philosopher
- Freedom, Nature and Ecological Crisis, presentation to the Philosophy Research Seminar, Northeastern University London
- The Joy of Consent, panel discussion with Manon Garcia and Kate Kirkpatrick, Conway Hall (London), organised by The Philosopher
- Arguing for a Better World, Arianne Shahvisi with Andrés Saenz de Sicilia, online talk hosted by The Philosopher
- Marx in Mexico, Mexico in Marx (respondent), online panel with Bruno Bosteels, Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Marx & the Critique of Humanism (conference co-organiser), University of Lisbon
- The Aesthetic Dimensions of Modern Philosophy, with Andrew Bowie, online talk hosted by The Philosopher
- Violence, Technology and Law: concepts and
problems, with Lucy Suchman & Natalie Byfield, online talk hosted by the Centre for the Study of Violence, University of São Paolo & University of the Arts London
- On Violence (sympoiusm organiser), with Bernadette Buckley, Mercedes
Fernández Ayarzagoitia & Sanem Su Avcı of the Atina
collective, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
- Temporalidades de la forma social-natural [Temporalities of the Socio-natural form], online talk at the Coloquio Barocco, Crítica Y Capitalismo, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Capitalism as System and
History: on Marx’s theory of subsumption, invited
talk at the Centre of Philosophy, University
of Lisbon
- Ethical Distribution, conference
paper (with Maria Chehondaskih) given at
Entanglements and Detachments in Global Politics, annual conference of Millennium:
Journal of International Studies, LSE (UK, online)
- Entanglements
of Capital and Violence: the case of narco-accumulation, conference paper given at Entanglements and Detachments in Global Politics,
annual conference of Millennium: Journal of International Studies, London School of Economics and Social Sciences (LSE) (UK, online)
- International
colloquium Discurso Critico y Blanquitud: Bolívar Echeverría
(1941-2010) in memoriam, (invited panelist) UNAM (Mexico, online)
- Urban Violence, British
Academy & Brazilian Academy of Sciences Knowledge Frontiers Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Violence, Accumulation, Aesthetics (public lecture),
Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London (UK)
- Marx and the Transnaturalisation of Matter (invited
public seminar), Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Rome (Italy)
- Marx and the Concept of Social
Objectivity (conference paper) at The Future with Marx conference, Moscow
School of Social and Economic Sciences (Russia)
- The
Political-Aesthetic Economy of Narco-Capitalism (invited talk), University of
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Violence and the Social Logic of Narco-Capital (invited presentation) at The Narco-Culture of Narco-Accumulation
workshop, Birkbeck College (UK)
- The Art of Reason, panel discussion with
Raymond Tallis and Timothy Williamson, at the Newcastle Philosophical Society (UK)
- Violence
and Commodification, workshop presentation at The limits of the market: commodification of nature and body Interdisciplinary workshop, University Paris
1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
- A
Situation on the Edge: Political Knowledge and Subjectivation at “the
Periphery” (conference paper) at the Caribbean Philosophical Association
annual conference 2018: Shifting the Geography of Reason XV, Université Cheikh
Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD, Senegal)
- Capital
and Capitalism: Production, Reproduction and Subsumption (conference paper) at
the 15th annual conference of the Marx and Philosophy Society, Institute of
Education, University of London (UK)
- Subsumption,
Time and Subjectivity, (invited symposium presentation) at ‘In Your Own Time:
Production of Body and Time Under Capitalism’, Central Saint Martins,
University of the Arts London (UK)
- Philosophical
Materialism Today (workshop) and ‘What is Materialism?’ (public lecture) at
the Newcastle Philosophical Society (UK)
- Violence
and Abstraction (conference paper) at the Dissecting Violence: Structures, Imaginaries, Resistance International Workshop and Conference, Amsterdam
School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- A
Materialism of Transformations: Practice and Social Change in Marx’s Thought (Conference paper) at the Rethinking Transformation conference, Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
- Violence
and Subsumption, conference paper given at the Society for European Philosophy & Forum for Philosophy joint annual conference, University of Winchester
- Materialism
and Critique: On Marx and Brassier, conference paper given at the Society for
European Philosophy & Forum for Philosophy joint annual conference,
Regent’s University (UK)
- Cultura y Forma [‘Culture and
Form’] conference paper given at the Coloquio en Homenaje a Bolívar Echeverría,
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico)
- The
Concept of Subsumption in Latin American Marxism (Conference paper) at the
Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS (UK)
- Subsunción:
Formas y Lógicas de Dominación, talk at the Faculty of Philosophy and
Letters, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), (Mexico)
- Time
and Subsumption, conference paper given at the Society for European Philosophy /
Forum for European Philosophy joint annual conference, Kingston University
- Philosophy
and the Outside (Conference co-organiser) Centre for Research in Modern
European Philosophy (CRMEP) graduate conference, Kingston University (UK)